Server History
Last 30 days No data for this period
All Time
Server First Online Last Online Time streamed
Gilded RP (RDR2) 22 Jan 2023 11 Feb 2023 28hrs 11mins
Gold Rush RP (GTA) 7 Jun 2022 12 Jun 2022 8hrs 50mins
Gold Rush RP (RDR2) 2 Jun 2022 12 Jun 2022 1hr 16mins
Last 10 Tracked Streams
Gilded RP (RDR2)
11 Feb 2023 New Server! Deputy Reaper | Gilded RP
11 Feb 2023 New Server! ToothPick is BACK! | Gilded RP | Around the World Rap/Hip Hop
4 Feb 2023 New Server! ToothPick is BACK! | Gilded RP | Around the World Rap/Hip Hop
4 Feb 2023 New Server! ToothPick is BACK! | Gilded RP
1 Feb 2023 New Server! ToothPick is BACK! | Gilded RP
31 Jan 2023 New Server! ToothPick is BACK! | Gilded RP
31 Jan 2023 New Server! Deputy Reaper | Gilded RP
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